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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  April 16, 2013 10:00am-10:36am PDT

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ha do you think we need to do in ow the results will be fantastic. terms of homeland security at angie's list -- reviews you can trust. these events, you've got baseball games, you've got all sorts of other athletic events coming up today, tomorrow, around the country. >> well, andrea, obviously there's always certain ways that this is a here we now our security can be stepped up at an event. the fact is that if someone is a neighbors and we grieve for terrorist, they can construct a them. we grieve for the little boy who bomb and put it together. we knew from dorchester. if they can carry it that far, bad day for boston, but i think chances are they're going to make it to the event. if we pull together, we'll get that's why the intelligence is so important. to be aggressive, to be out through it. >> boston's mayor, thomas front. why it's important to people if they see something, say something. for instance, merchants if mannino, speaking of his city's they're selling any components resilience and speaking with me that can be used for a bomb. now is massachusetts congressman everywhere from ball bearings to beauty products, they can all be richard neal. thank you for being with us on a horrific day for your community. used to make bombs. tell us what do you know, what they should notify the police, the police as commissioner kelly briefings are you getting about what happened? does with new york, were out in we've been told by our own pete the community. monitoring what's happening. williams that we're talking i know they've been criticized about two bombs, pressure for it that's how you can head cookers, loaded with some sort off this type of -- hopefully head off this type of attack. of material in backpacks. >> well actually the news so i would say you're promised a accounts over the last 24 hours have gotten much better as you certain tightening of security. the main thing is to get more
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intelligence and that's what has know. i think that the fbi and the boston police department and the to be done. >> are you satisfied so far with state police have done a good job of sorting some of the early first response and what the federal government is doing, the data and getting the information out to the public. i thought the governor's fbi as the lead agency? >> i certainlial. the boston police department is position was very helpful. an outstanding police department, the fbi, homeland >> what are you hearing from the security, atf, they're all white house? what help are you getting from working on this, the president them? is leading this. >> well, you note that the president in his press this is not a time for democrats conference or at least his or republican politics, the remarks, indicated for the first time that it was an act of president is putting in place, terror. i think that given the aftermath putting in motion the counterterrorism and the of the richard jewel situation anti-terrorism units we have in back in atlanta. our country that have been that the white house was developed over the last 11 1/2 cautionary, but declaring this is an ak of terror it means it years and they're going to do an was undertaken in a outstanding job. >> congressman briefly, do you sophisticated manner. let me say that the place where think that this will lead to these two bombs exploded near more cameras? the lennox hotel, behind the i know it's controversial, there boston public library, on are privacy issues, boston does have a lot of cameras, europe boylston street, it is the apex of where everybody gathers at cities led by london have the the end of the marathon. most. are americans going to have to people who come out of fen way get used to more surveillance on a daily basis? park. >> i think we do. they head to the end of the privacy involves being in a marathon. that's where people are cheered private location. on. whoever did this, with two bombs anyone can look at you, can see you, can watch what you're
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doing. a camera just makes it more almost simultaneously going off, sophisticated. it's no different from your they knew precisely what they were doing. neighbor look out the window at >> you're not hearing anything you or a police officer walking down the street. so i do think we need more to indicate whether we're talking about foreign or domest cameras, we have to stay ahead snik. >> that's not come up, andrea, of the terrorists and i know in as far as the dialogue has gone. >> what more do the people of new york, the lower manhattan boston and the people of security industry, based on that massachusetts need in terms of outstanding results from that. homeland security help, federal i do favor more cameras they're aid, medical help, post-trauma a great law enforcement method help? and device. >> well i think there are a and again, it keeps us ahead of number of things here as we reach out to those families with the terrorists. who are constantly trying to grief. also to be reminded of the role kill us. i hope that members of congress, that the boston hospitals play. they're the best arguably in the both parties including my own will realize that the war against terrorists are not over. world. i think that the fbi, the boston and it's foolhardy to make cuts police department and the state police have certainly done a in homeland securities. terrific job. i also think it reminds all of especially whose cities, whose us the need to be vigilant. vul. police departments need this. >> this poignant message for all of us, this photo was taken it's difficult for us to change our lifestyles, to stay away outside the dorchester home of 8-year-old martin richard who as from public places and yesterday we know died yesterday while in america there was no more of watching the marathon with his a public place than right
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outside of the lennox hotel. family. his mother and sister still >> congressman neal, thank you seriously injured. we've all had those moments. very much. this is a another point to remind everyone that they want your video, they want your tells. and those are very important pieces of evidence that could help. you don't know what could be important, so get that information into your local officials, congressman, thank you very much. thank you, andrea. from new york to boston. a sign of solidarity. messages of support lighting up the side of the brooklyn academy of music overnight. the artwork from the new york city light brigade and the artists, including messages of peace and love and the martin luther king jr. quotation, darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. hoo-hoo. when you lost the thing you can't believe you lost. hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo. when what you just bought, just broke. hoo-hoo hoo. or when you have a little trouble a long way from home... sir... i'll get it together i promise... as an american express cardmember you can expect some help. but what you might not expect, heeheehee.
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tom busey is the president of the "u.s.a. today" sports media group. he ran the marathon yesterday. he finished only minutes before the bombs detonated. susan davis is the chief congressional correspondent for "u.s.a. today." both are joining us from boston. thank you very much. tom, as someone who ran the marathon, tell me about the day. tell me what you went through
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and what you saw. >> well the day was a spectacular day. the weather was much like the weather we're having here now. and there was just a great day. the city of boston really came out as it does every year for a great race. the amount of selflessness going on was great. runners are running for causes as i was. and you know, i was coming around a corner towards the finish line and i just thinking about how fantastic everything was and then went through the finish line in about three minutes after i was through. i was walking through the corrals where they give out middals and food and drinks to the people who had run and the bombs went off. and pretty immediately it went from this just euphoric experience to a real fear-based experience. for all of us runners are in a daze after they finish and all of us were looking to be helped and told where to go. the boston police department and the ems and the volunteers were just fantastic. they took over the situation immediately and got us all to
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safety. >> i know a little bit about what it feels like. one of these runs quite a while ago. you're dehydrated. you're in a daze. you're getting a kevlar wrap or getting water as fast as you can. so where did you go? what did you do? >> well the officers started to whisk us away from the danger and towards the other end of boylston street so we walked down towards boston common in a brisk manner. as soon as we got out into the public. we were dispersed. it felt great to be away from where the harm was, but a little lost, frankly. a little disengaged and not really knowing what to do. i went directly to my hotel and which is not far, thankfully and spent some time watching the news and getting updated on what had happened. >> susan davis, you were there as a spectator with family, with friends. tell me where you were and what you saw. >> i had actually watched part of the marathon in the morning. had gone to the red sox game,
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they play every and said there had been a couple of explosions by the finish line. and i knew that we didn't have any reporters on the ground here. so we turned around. got as close as we could. never actually saw the site of the blast. butdy get near the medical tent where they were performing triage on a lot of the victims and had a chance to talk with eye witness who is were there. itas their hotels who are very cold. people offering them places to stay, places to sleep. so there's been a tremendous amount of kindness in the streets of boston. behind us, they started a makeshift memorial where people have dropped flowers at the edge of the security perimeter. i spent a lot of the morning talking to boston marathoners, in the streets of boston they're wearing their colors of yellow and blue today proudly. loosely-coordinated effort to show pride for the race and almost every one i talked to said not only would they run again, but they plan to do it next year. >> and it's been reported the
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new york marathon will run in the fall. they're going do run that, that is like the boston, not as old as the boston marathon. but it's iconic and you've got millions of people who turn out along the way. not only at the finish line. tom you're the head of the sports group in "u.s.a. today." susan was at fenway yesterday. as were so many bostonians. what about athletic events in our country? how are we going to protect -- in a stadium, you can do magnetoto meters. >> you can only hope it doesn't diswade people from participating. sports it at its best when we're doing things like marathons, when people are out here participating and competing with causes in mind. you hope that this doesn't, doesn't take away from that. what do sports do? sports is one big event after another. and for those of us who attend most of them, it's really challenging.
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it's becoming concerning about bringing your families to those events. but americans are resilient. you know, i think as susan said, the selflessness is what struck me over the last couple of days. it starts with the runners who are selfless just by doing what they do for these causes. secondly, it was selflessness of the volunteers. he was watching volunteers jump over fences into the area where the bombs had gone off. without any concern for themselves. it will be on display again i suspect in november in new york and at next year's boston marathon. >> tom and susan davis from "u.s.a. today," as you point out, in the last 24 hours, we've seen the worst and we've seen the best of america. thank you. thanks for being with us. we'll be right back. ♪
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he experienced yesterday just having run the marathon. was this your first boston marathon? >> actually i did not run marathon. i was taking photos of the marathon. i was shooting the marathon for -- >> sorry. >> shooting some runners. >> i was about, sorry, continue? >> tell me what you saw. >> i was about half a block away when it happened. and i was just entering a rest rauth when it happened. and the first bomb had gone off and i didn't even know what had happened. what it was. what was going on. but everyone around mere, including myself got extremely still. and i could see outside. the whole restaurant had windows, and everyone outside ha crying and screaming and just running in any direction. thousands and thousands and thousands of people are running in any direction they could. just, just to get away from what
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they, what they saw. >> so what did you do next? >> i, i immediately left the restaurant. headed to the hotel which is where i was saying. right next to the medical tent. i went actually to try to go get my camera. to go up there and come back down to see what i could do, take some photos, but the security was super tight. as i was going back to the fairmont, you could see, it was right next to that. you could see what was happening. you could see people bleeding from their head, running, i think a lot of the people didn't even know they were bleeding, they were just running out of pure shock and fear. it was very, very intense. >> we're glad you're out of it. obviously all of those injuries. we now know that more than 170 people were injured. thank you very much for being with us. we'll be right back.
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held on patriots day each year, the boston marathon has become part of the state holiday that begins with the red sox game at fenway. joining me now, "boston globe" columnist, kevin cullen. you've written about this today, about what this mean for bostonians, for the people of massachusetts to have the marathon hit by terrorists. >> yeah. it was striking because if you saw the, some of the footage my colleague at the globe, still took some remarkable footage of the bombings. when that first bomb went off, you saw the first responders jump over, they pulled the barriers apart. they pulled all those flags down. because i mean, boston is an international city but the most international day in this town is marathon day. people ce they didn't attack boston. they attacked all those countries. they attacked all of us. >> and another thing that you wrote today in your column in
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the globe, you wrote, it would be wrong and a cliche to say we lost our innocence on monday as a plume of white smoke drifted high above boylston street as blood pooled on the sidewalk from the boston library as several limbs lay areplied the bruise asked the bloodied and the stunned. their ears bleeding. we will get through this but we will never be the same. that is part of this evocative, emotional beautifully written column that captures your community. >> i didn't mean to imply that we would be cowed. we will not be the same the way new yorkers were never the same after 9/11. and we lost a lot of people on 9/11. the two planes that crashed into the towers took off from here. i knew a number of people on those planes. we will not be the same. but i'll tell you one thing. we will not be cowed. whoever did this, i'm sure they considered it an act of war. and i wonder if they have children of their own, someday
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if their child looks up to them to say what did you do during the war, that person is honest, they'll say i killed an 8-year-old boy. his name was martin richard. that's what did i during the war. >> we have a picture from the ap that was released by martin richard's father who released a statement. we've seen him now at an ice hockey game, we've seen him in his communion suit. the heart breaking loss of this child with his mother and sister grievously wounded. what that family is suffering symbolizing what the city suffers. as you point out, resilient, yes. combative and tough. but also hearts are broken. >> they are -- they are an exemplary family. they're a classic boston family and they're very involved in their community and very loved in their community. and you know, last night people gathered at a restaurant in
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dorchester to remember martin and to celebrate the richard family. they're class all the way. >> the terrorist or terrorists knew what they were doing. because as other guests have described, from usa today, people pour out after going to fenway on patriots day and go to the finish line. they go to the restaurants and the bars to cheer on the runners and to take part in the finish of the marathon. so in hitting 15 seconds apart, two bombs, they knew they would get the maximum number of people at that location. >> absolutely. this was about as cynical as anybody could do it. and it was. the four-hour mark, that's where the majority of runners obviously, the elite runners finished much earlier. these were the ordinary mom and pop and people who train on weekends and try to keep their jobs. that's sort of the spirit of the boston marathon. the average plodder. that is who was coming over the finish line at that time themselves wanted to kill as many people as possible.
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that's the kind of people they are. >> we know the kind of people bostonians are. thank you for joining us. thank you for your column and your reporting. that does it for us. for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." my colleague tamron hall has a look at what's next. >> thank you very much. coming up in our next hour, we've got new developments in the boston terror attack. we're learning more about how the explosives were made and what was used to conceal the two placed along that marathon route. i'll be joined by tom cost tello, pete williams and a number of experts. we'll play back the president's remarks a few hours ago. plus, we'll be joined by a father at the marathon honoring his son who was killed in iraq and why this photo of him has captured the hearts of so many. all coming up next.
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the "news nation" is following the expanding investigation into the boston marathon bombings. officials said late today, the explosives were likely carried in backpacks and made to be essentially pressure cookers. likely triggered by a timer. meanwhile, we're nearing exactly 24 hours since the first bomb exploded at 2:50 eastern time yesterday afternoon. the fbi said it will go to the ends of the earth to find those responsible. the fbi is also asking for more pictures and even more video from the scene itself. in the last couple of hours, the president updated the
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